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Evaluation of heavy equipment simulators (Task ID 3833)
- Two heavy equipment simulators have been successfully integrated into training at Caltrans META Facility in the period June 2023 - July 31, 2024.
Implementation Support for the Caltrans Geospatial Technology Proving Ground: Phase 1 (Task ID 3870)
- Development of the maintenance plan for this proving ground started June 3, 2024 and will be completed shortly.
CalBarrier Implementation Research (Task ID 3838)
- Training of Caltrans personnel on use of the results of this research started on May 31, 2024.
Responder (Task ID 4008)
- Truck-mounted system has been deployed in District 2
- On September 20, 2024, AHMCT transferred this system from the old truck to a new truck being used by the Maintenance Supervisor in the Weaverville Yard
Mountain Pass Road Opening
- 8 units were deployed: 4 to SR4, 2 to SR108 (Sonora), 2 to SR 120 (Tioga). Districts 9 and 10.
Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanning (MTLS)
- Deployed in Office of Land Survey and Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12.
Epoke Sanders
- Deployed by Maintenance in District 3.
Intelligent Roadway Information System (IRIS)
- Deployed and is in use in rural districts: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, and 10.