Final Reports


Kin S. Yen, Travis Swanston, and Ty A. Lasky
Integration of Thermal Infrared (IR) Imaging into the Caltrans Inspection Program for Pavements and Bridge Decks

Dave Torick and Shima Nazari
Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) Hydrogen Fuel Cell Mitigation Pilot

Alireza Nemati Estahbanati and Shima Nazari
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Concrete vs. Metal Guardrails and Wood vs. Metal Posts for Signs and Guardrails 


Travis B. Swanston, Kin S. Yen, and Ty A. Lasky
Evaluation of Next-Generation CCTV Encoder for ITS Field Elements

Travis Swanston, Iman Soltani, and Ty Lasky
Development of a Maintenance Prioritization Assessment and Safety Tool

Anh Duong, Iman Soltani, Ty Lasky
Roadside Safety Performance Measures for Specific Countermeasures to Protect Workers
UCD-ARR-23-12-31-02, 2023

Saeid Delshad Sisi, Ty A. Lasky
SpaceX Starlink Satellite Broadband Communiations for ITS: Procurement Issues (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-23-10-26-01, 2023

Anh Duong, Vic Reveles, Ty A. Lasky
Evaluation of a Portable Snow Melter for Use in Caltrans Maintenance Yards
UCD-ARR-23-07-31-01, 2023

Anh Duong, Vic Reveles, Ty A. Lasky
Evaluation of the Bosch Mobile Device App for Wrong-Way Driver Detection (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-23-06-30-01, 2023

Wilderich A. White, Ty A. Lasky
Improved Maintenance Methods for Bridges Drains and Expansion Joints (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-23-03-31-01, 2023

Anh Duong, Ty A. Lasky
TMS Innovative Product Proof of Concept (POC) Support Including Technical Evaluation of Detectors for Pedestrian Walk Time Extension (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-23-04-05-01, 2023


BS Linke, WA White, K Yen, W Watson, F Fashanu, J Rodriguez, I Garretson
Evaluation of Heavy Equipment Simulator Systems (Final Report)

Dave Torick, Jessica Rodriguez, Ty Lasky, and Bahram Ravani
Research Implementation Accelerator: Workshops and Seed Funding Program (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-22-10-31-01, 2022

Wilderich A. White, Sarah E. Portnell, Alejandro Estrada Berlanga, and Ty A. Lasky
Comparison of New and Existing Caltrans Hopper Body and Tailgate Sanders (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-22-03-31-01, 2022

Dave Torick, Kin Yen, Stephen M. Donecker, Ty A. Lasky
Development and Testing of an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Cellular & Wi-Fi Repeater : Phase 1 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-22-11-30-01, 2022

Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty; Reveles, Victor
Implementation Support for Mountain Pass Road Opening (MPRO) Systems (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-22-05-31-01, 2022

Bennett, Duane; Lasky, Ty
Review of Equipment and Accessories for Truck-Mounted Attenuator Trucks (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-22-04-30-01, 2022


Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Responder Study - Interim Phase I - Continued Support for Responder Transition (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-21-12-31-01, 2021

Bennett, Duane; Lasky, Ty
Evaluation of Autonomous TMA Trucks for Use in Caltrans Operations (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-21-12-31-03, 2021

Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Mountain Pass Road Opening (MPRO) Implementation and Training (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-21-11-30-01, 2021

Bennett, Duane; Lasky, Ty
Measuring the Efficiencies of Tow Plows and Wing Plows (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-21-11-17-01, 2021

Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Development of Data Collection Systems for Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimertry (LSPIV) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-21-06-30-01, 2021

Lasky, Ty; White, Wilderich
Evaluation of the AutoCone 130 Cone Trailer (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-21-03-31-02, 2021

Nasrollahzadeh, Amir; Ravani, Bahram
Research to Develop Performance Measures for Maintenance of Roadside Features (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-20-06-30-04, 2021

Nasrollahzadeh, Amir; Ji, Ankyd; Ravani, Bahram; Fyhrie, Patricia; Swanston, Travis
Work Zone Safety Improvements Using Automated Injury Data Collection (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-20-09-30-02, 2021


Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Support for Caltrans Statewide Mobile Terrestrial LaserScanning (MTLS) System Usage (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-20-08-31-01, 2020

Ravani, Bahram; Donohoe, Sean
Managing Low Volume Access Points in Work Zones (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-20-06-30-02, 2020

Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Research to Integrate Color and Thermal Imaging IR Cameras with Caltrans 3D-GPR and GNSS/INS System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-20-04-30-01, 2020

Shams, Alireza; Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donohoe, Sean
Developing a Strategic Roadmap for Caltrans Implementation of Virtual Design Construction/Civil Integrated Management (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-20-02-29-01, 2020


Lasky, Ty; White, Wilderich
Evaluation of Remote Control Mowers for Roadside Management (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-19-09-30-05, 2019

Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Hand-Held Diagnostic Controller for ITS Field Maintenance Phase II (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-18-08-31-02, 2019

Ravani, Bahram; Bennett, Duane; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty; White, Wilderich
Vision-Based Sensor System for Site Monitoring: Wrong-Way Driving, Phase 1 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-19-09-30-03, 2019

Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Responder study Phase 4: Transition phase - Research and development in support of the implementation of the Responder system into Caltrans operations
UCD-ARR-19-09-30-02, 2019.

White, Wilderich
Sand Spreader Testing Fall 2018 (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-19-04-12-01, 2019


Ji, Ankyd; Ravani, Bahram; Fyhrie, Patricia
Performance Measures for Roadside Features (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-18-09-10-01, 2018

Bennett, Duane; Lasky, Ty
Advanced Camera Lowering Device for ITS Maintenance (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-18-08-31-01, 2018

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Responder Study Phase 3: Testing and Support (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-18-06-30-02, 2018

Ravani, Bahram
Workshop on Corrosion Protection Technology for Winter Maintenance – A Summary (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-18-04-30-01, 2018

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Expanding Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanning Capability and Capacity throughout Caltrans (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-18-02-14-01, 2018

Bennett, Duane; Lasky, Ty
Continued Evaluation of the TowPlow Trailer System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-18-01-12-01, 2018


Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Development and Testing of Responder Phase III (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-09-30-05, 2017

Ravani, Bahram; Tabatabaee, Hadi ; Wehage, Kristopher; White, Wilderich
Solar Lighting Evaluation for Highway Applications – An Evaluation of a Solar Lighting Trailer (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-16-12-31-01, 2017

Ravani, Bahram; Wehage, Kristopher
Workshop on Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) Technology for Winter Maintenance - A Summary (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-17-02-28-01, 2017


Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Field Testing of the Snowplow Driver Assistance System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-16-11-23-01, 2016

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Research and Support for MTLS Data Management and Visualization (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-16-09-30-01, 2016

Burkett, George; Velinsky, Steven
Evaluation of Devices for Improving Traction Control in Winter Conditions (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-16-07-31-01, 2016


Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
DOE Fleet In-Vehicle Data Acquisition System (FIDAS) Technical Support and Testing (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-09-30-02, 2015

Bennett, Duane; Burkett, George; Kang, Jaeyoung; Velinsky, Steven
Evaluation of the TowPlow for Caltrans Operations (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-09-30-01, 2015

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Mobile Real-Time Information System for Snow Fighter Supervisors - System Design & Test (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-09-30-07, 2015

Chebot, Daniel; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Imporoved Deicing Methods for Snow and Ice Removal: Evaluation of the Epoke Sander/Spreader for Caltrans Operations  (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-09-30-06, 2015

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Support for Avalanche Sensing and Communications (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-09-30-04, 2015

Ravani, Bahram; Newstrom, Bryan; Shankwitz, Craig; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Evaluation of the University of Minnesota GPS Snowplow Driver Assistance System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-08-30-01, 2015

Gobal, Arash; Ravani, Bahram; Hong, Hiu; Wehage, Kristopher; Fyhrie, Patricia
Work Zone Injury Data Collection and Analysis (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-06-30-01, 2015

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty; Jian, Zhenxiang
Application of Mobile Laser Scanning for Lean and Rapid Highway Maintenance and Construction (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-08-28-01, 2015

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Evaluation of GPS-based Mountain Pass Road Opening for Tioga Pass (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-07-31-01, 2015

Ravani, Bahram; Wang, Chao; Fyhrie, Patricia; Isaiah, Samuel; White, Wilderich
Evaluation of Photo Speed Enforcement (PSE) in California Work Zones (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-15-06-30-02, 2015


Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Enhancement and Technical Support of Intelligent Roadway Information System (IRIS) in Caltrans Districts 1, 2, 5 and 10 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-14-12-31-01, 2014

Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven
Deployment Support and Caltrans’ Implementation of the Sealzall Machine (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-13-06-30-03, 2014

Ravani, Bahram; Shih, Davis; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Research and Development for Avalanche Sensing (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-14-09-30-01, 2014

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanning Workflow Development, Technical Support and Evaluation (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-14-06-14-01, 2014

Ravani, Bahram; Leong, Bradley; Bennett, Duane; Burkett, George
Crash Attenuator Data Collection and Life Cycle Tool Development (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-14-06-14-05, 2014

Clark, Allyson; Velinksy, Steven; White, Wilderch
Evaluation and Development of High Flow Vacuum Systems for Roadway and Roadside Litter Collection (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-14-06-14-04, 2014

Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven
Continued Evaluation of Pothole Patching Equipment, Materials, and Processes (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-14-06-30-03, 2014


Malone, Andrew; Ravani, Bahram; Wang, Chao; Fyhrie, Patricia; White, Wilderich
Scientific Evaluations of Operational Performance, Procedures, Impacts, and Benefits of Highway Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP) and the Highway Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (MAZEEP): Executive Summary (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-13-10-28-01, 2013

Ravani, Bahram; Wang, Chao; Fyhrie, Patricia; White, Wilderich
Scientific Evaluations of Operational Performance, Procedures, Impacts, and Benefits of Highway Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP) and the Highway Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (MAZEEP) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-13-10-28-01, 2013

Creed, Ben; Miller, Lauren; Jones, Matt; Donohoe, Sean; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Evaluation of a Prototype Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Lighting Trailer (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-13-06-30-01, 2013

Ravani, Bahram; Hiremagalur, Jagannath; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Creating Standards and Specifications for the Use of Laser Scanning (Ground-Based LIDAR) in Caltrans Projects (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-13-04-26-01, 2013


Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven; Reveles, Victor
Evaluation of Pothole Patching Equipment and Processes (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-12-06-30-05, 2012

Clark, Allyson; Creed, Ben; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Evaluation of New Technology in Culvert Cleaning (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-12-06-30-09, 2012

Ravani, Bahram; Wang, Chao; Ma, Dexter; Fyhrie, Patricia; White, Wilderich
Evaluation of Methods to Reduce Speeds in Work Zones (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-12-06-30-06, 2012

Ravani, Bahram; Wang, Chao; Ma, Dexter; Fyhrie, Patricia; White, Wilderich
Evaluation of Methods to Reduce Speeds in Work Zones: Executive Summary (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-12-06-30-06-A, 2012


Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
AHMCT Intelligent Roadway Information System (IRIS) Technical Support and Testing (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-11-12-31-01, 2011

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty; Soni, Vaibhav
Workflow for Virtual Geomatics (VG4D) (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-11-11-30-01, 2011

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty; Soni, Vaibhav
Caltrans Workflow for NavisWorks (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-11-10-31-01, 2011

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Deployment Support and Data Collection for Caltrans TSI Travel Behavior Survey Using the GPS-ATD (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-11-10-31-02, 2011

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
LiDAR for Data Efficiency (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-11-09-30-01, 2011

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Research Planning for Caltrans Emergency Maintenance Response (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-11-06-30-01, 2011

Ravani, Bahram; Wong, Jessica; Fyhrie, Patricia; Bosler, Robert
Scientific Evaluation of the ArmorGuard Mobile Barrier System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-10-06-30-01, 2011


Lofton, Arvern; Ravani, Bahram; Akin, Kevin; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Using Mobile Laser Scanning to Product Digital Terrain Models of Pavement Surfaces  (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-10-11-30-01, 2010

Ravani, Bahram; Bennett, Duane; Burkett, George
Crash Attenuator Usage Along Travelways and in Workzones (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-10-07-16-01, 2010

Schauer, Brandon; Donohoe, Sean; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Vegetation and Debris Control Methods for Maintenance-Friendly Roadside Design (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-10-06-30-02, 2010


Velinsky, Steven; Nowotny, Ty
Assessment of Graffiti Removal Practices and Initial Development of a Tool for Removing Graffiti from Retroreflective Signs (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-12-31-01, 2009

Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven
Development of the Sealzall Machine, Upgrade to the TTLS (Pavement Crack Sealer) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-10-31-01, 2009

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty; Reveles, Victor
Identifying Excessive Vehicle Idling and Opportunities for Off-Road Fuel Tax Credits for Stationary Operations in the Caltrans Fleet - Phase 1 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-09-30-04, 2009

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Heikkila, Rauno; Lasky, Ty
Investigation of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Technology for the Health of Bridge Decks: Phase I - Feasibility Testing (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-09-30-05, 2009

Velinsky, Steven
Maintenance and Troubleshooting for the Support of Field Operational-Testing of Caltrans' Advanced Maintenance Equipment (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-09-30-07, 2009

Ravani, Bahram; Hiremagalur, Jagannath; Darter, Michael; Tabib, Shahrdad; Lasky, Ty
Inventory and Assessing Condition of Roadside Features Statewide (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-09-30-01, 2009

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Baumeister, Larry; Darter, Michael; Lasky, Ty
Field-Ready GPS-Based Guidance Methods and Systems for Winter Maintenance Vehicles (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-09-30-03, 2009

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Research & Development of Open-Source Advanced Transportation Management System Hardware and Software Components (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-08-31-01, 2009

Adamu, Ayalew; Benouar, Azzeddine; Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Assadi, Mohammad; Wong, Phillip; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Support for Business Case Development for the GPS-Automated Travel Diary (GPS-ATD) in Preparation for the 2010 Statewide Travel Behavior Survey - Phase 1 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-06-30-01, 2009

Bosler, Robert
Annual Report of the Advanced Highway Maintenance and Construction Technology Research Center for the Period July 2008 - June 2009 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-06-30-03, 2009

Burkett, George; Velinsky, Steven; Her, Vue
Development of New Kinds of Mobile Safety Barriers (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-02-28-01, 2009

Ravani, Bahram; Akin, Kevin; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Accelerated Project Delivery: Case Studies and Field Use of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Caltrans Projects: Phase II - Additional Training and Materials (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-02-28-02, 2009


Ravani, Bahram; Wong, Phillip
Event Driven Video Monitoring for Driver Training: Evaluation of Pilot Project (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-10-30-01, 2008

Ravani, Bahram; Arico, Mary
Balsi Beam Deployment Support (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-09-10-30-01, 2008

Moller, Paul
Caltrans Bridge Inspection Aerial Robot (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-10-01-01, 2008

Ravani, Bahram; Arico, Mary
A Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis for the Balsi Beam Mobile Work Zone Crash Protection System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-09-30-01, 2008

Ravani, Bahram; Arico, Mary
California Injury Data Analysis: an AHMCT Report (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-07-31-01, 2008

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Wong, Phillip; Lasky, Ty
Support for Business Case Development for the GPS-Automated Travel Diary (GPS-ATD) in Preparation for the 2010 Statewide Travel Behavior Survey: Interim Report (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-08-06-30-03, 2008

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Enhancement & Field Evaluation of an Advanced Clearance Measurement System for Highway Structures, Including Generation of Clearance Diagrams (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-06-30-05, 2008

Ravani, Bahram; Akin, Kevin; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Accelerated Project Delivery: Case Studies and Field Use of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Caltrans Projects: Phase I - Training and Materials (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-06-30-06, 2008

Arsenault, Aaron; Teeter-Balin, Jonah; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Alternatives to Labor Intensive Tasks in Roadside Vegetation Maintenance (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-06-30-04, 2008

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Evaluation of Current Technologies and Development of Novel Techniques for Detection of Obstacles Buried in Snow (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-08-04-30-08, 2008


Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Review of Mn/IRIS Software and Test Cases for Caltrans District 10 IRIS Demonstration Study (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-07-12-31-01, 2007

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Overview of Caltrans District 10 IRIS Demonstration Design (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-07-12-31-02, 2007

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Review of Caltrans District 10 Transportation Management Center Operations and Equipment (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-07-09-30-01, 2007

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
Review of Mn/IRIS and Caltrans District 10 TMC Compatibility, and Functional Requirements for D10 IRIS Demonstration Study (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-07-09-30-02, 2007

Ravani, Bahram; Hiremagalur, Jagannath; Akin, Kevin; Yen, Kin; Bui, Triet; Lasky, Ty
Creating Standards and Specifications for the Use of Laser Scanning in Caltrans Projects (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-07-06-30-01, 2007

Lohse, Christopher; Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven
Temporary Barrier Usage in Work Zones (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-07-06-30-01, 2007

Bennett, Duane; Burkett, George; Sherrill, Paul; Velinsky, Steven
Design and Analysis of an Automated Mechanical System for the Replacement of Raised Pavement Markers (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-07-06-30-02, 2007

Hargadon, Andrew; Olson, Eric; Jennings, Geoff
Automated Cone Machine Business Development Case (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-07-01-05-01, 2007


Hargadon, Andrew; Velinsky, Steven
Development of Business Cases for the Deployment of AHMCT Projects (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-31-04, 2006

Chew, Kimberly; Harker, Rob; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Utilizing Alternative Methods to Perform Labor-Intensive Tasks (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-31-10, 2006

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Baumeister, Larry; Lasky, Ty
Development and Field-Testing of a GPS-Based Mountain Pass Road Opening Driver Assistance System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-31-08, 2006

Adamu, Ayalew; Ravani, Bahram; Yan, Kimball; Yen, Kin; Gallagher, Leo; Assadi, Mohammad; Donecker, Stephen; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
Development of Vehicular and Personal Universal Longitudinal Travel Diary Systems using GPS and New Technology (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-31-01, 2006

Ravani, Bahram; Nguyen, Ha; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Lasky, Ty
Development and Field-Operational Testing of a Mobile Real-time Information System for Snow Fighter Supervisors (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-31-07, 2006

Ravani, Bahram; Yen, Kin; Darter, Michael; Lasky, Ty
Literature Review of National Developments in ATMS and Open-Source Software (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-08-01, 2006

Hargadon, Andrew; Jennings, Geoff
Spray Injection Pothole Filling Business Development Case (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-21-01, 2006

Hargadon, Andrew; Jennings, Geoff
Raised Pavement Marker Automated Placement Machine Business Development Case (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-06-12-29-01, 2006

Hargadon, Andrew; Hoblit, Brian; Olson, Eric
Automated Roadway Debris Vacuum (ARDVAC) Business Development Case (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-06-06-11-01, 2006

Hargadon, Andrew; Woodall, Brian; Olson, Eric
Transfer Tank Longitudinal Crack Sealer Business Development Case (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-06-05-23-01, 2006


Richardson, B.; Latham, Matthew; Velinsky, Steven; Mincy, Tom; White, Wilderich
Development of Vacuum Test Apparatus and Emergency Shutoff System for a Roadway Debris Removal Vehicle (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-05-12-31-01-A, 2005

Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven
Development of the Transfer Tank Longitudinal Sealer (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-05-12-31-01, 2005

McPhee, Jason; Harker, Rob; Bieniek, Ryan; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Development of Vegetation Cutting Tool Attachments for the Automated Roadway Debris Vacuum (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-05-12-31-02, 2005

Ravani, Bahram; Hiremagalur, Jagannath; Yen, Kin; Swanston, Travis; Lasky, Ty
A Bridge-Height Sensing and Database Management System for Reliable and Efficient Oversize Permitting and Routing (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-05-02-28-01, 2005


Lee, Danny; Bennett, Duane; Chung, Jae; Lu, Shujun; Velinsky, Steven; Lee, Young-Chul
Development of a Human-Assist Non-Stationary Device for Lifting (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-04-12-31-01, 2004

Ravani, Bahram; Walla, Julian; Yan, Kimball; Yen, Kin; Donecker, Stephen; Lasky, Ty
GPS and New Technologies to Improve Longitudinal Travel Surveys (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-04-12-15-01, 2004

Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich; Lee, Young-Chul
Integration and Testing of a Multistack Automated Cone Machine (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-04-06-30-01, 2004

Ravani, Bahram; Velinsky, Steven; Feng, Xin
Application Issues for Highway Maintenance and Construction -- Dynamics and Control of Hydraulic Systems and Deployment of Linux Based Systems (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-04-06-30-02, 2004


Bennett, Duane; Schoonbaert, Eric; Arigovindan, Muthukumaran; Velinsky, Steven
Research Into a Rapid Road Repair Machine (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-03-12-31-01, 2003


Steinfeld, Aaron; Zadelhoff, Aart-Jan van; Nazari, Ahmad; Ravani, Bahram; Bougler, Benedicte; Tan, Han-Shue; Lins, Joanne; Hawley, Kenneth; Yen, Kin; Jenkinson, Mike; Kretz, Paul; Battersby, Robert; Owen, Stephen; Lasky, Ty; Reveles, Victor; Zhang, Wei-Bin
A Rural Field Test of the RoadView System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-02-06-30-01, 2002

Kack, David; Cuelho, Eli
Needs Assessment and Cost/Benefit Analysis of the RoadView Advanced Snowplow Technology System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-02-06-30-02, 2002

Burkett, George; McDonald, John; Velinsky, Steven
Simulation of Cranes Using a Boom Support Vehicle (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-02-06-30-03, 2002

Raley, Aaron; Velinsky, Steven
Deployment Support of AHMCT Machines 1999-2002 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-02-06-30-05, 2002

Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven; Feng, Xin
Vehicle Integration and Testing of the Operator Controlled Crack Sealing (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-02-06-30-06, 2002


Gliever, Chris; Slaughter, David; Jones, Garrett; Schlottman, Justine; Smith, Nelson
Vision-Based Low Cost Field Demonstrable Paint Re-Stripping Guidance System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-01-09-14-02, 2001


Ravani, Bahram; Hemenway, Jeffrey; Patarinska, Nina; Steffenson, Sean
Refinements of a Robotic System for Stenciling of General Roadway Markings (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-00-09-30-01, 2000

Porterfield, Andrew; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Development of a Prototype Telerobotic System for Debris Vacuum Positioning (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-00-09-14-01, 2000

Steinfeld, Aaron; Ravani, Bahram; Bougler, Benedicte; Thorne, Colin; Empey, Dan; Tan, Han-Shue; Ghaida, Hassan; Yen, Kin; Jenkinson, Mike; Kretz, Paul; Kappesser, Ronald; Donecker, Stephen; Owen, Stephen; Lasky, Ty; Zhang, Wei-Bin
Development of an Advanced Snowplow Driver Assistance System (ASP-II) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-00-06-30-02, 2000


Ghaida, Hassan
A Differential Kinematic Method for Application of GPS in ITS (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-99-10-14-01, 1999

McLeod, John
Development of a Multi-Stack Cone Storage System for Highway Maintenance Vehicles (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-99-10-01-01, 1999

Steinfeld, Aaron; Ravani, Bahram; Bougler, Benedicte; Thorne, Colin; Empey, Dan; Cuelho, Eli; Tan, Han-Shue; Ghaida, Hassan; Yen, Kin; Jenkinson, Mike; Kretz, Paul; Kappesser, Ronald; Owen, Stephen; Lasky, Ty; Zhang, Wei-Bin
Advanced Snowplow Development and Demonstration: Phase I: Driver Assistance (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-99-06-30-03, 1999

Frank, Andrew; Carlson, Christopher; Carlson, Richard
Control of a Continuously Variable Transmission for Variable Mobile Equipment (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-99-06-30-01, 1999

Hemmerlin, Brian; Bennett, Duane; Velinsky, Steven; Baker, Todd; Feng, Xin
Development of the Operator Controlled Crack Sealing Machine-the Long Reach Arm and Control Unit (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-99-06-30-02, 1999

Eveland, David; Chung, Jae; Stiles, James; Gardner, John; Velinsky, Steven
Mobile Robotic System for Highway Maintenance and Construction (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-99-06-30-04, 1999

Belltawn, Cornelis; McLeod, John; Cline, Michael; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Development of a Prototype Automated Cone Machine and a High Capacity Storage System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-99-06-30-07, 1999

Garmire, Elsa; Burke, Gregory; Russell, Robert
Laser Removal of Graffiti the GRASER Field Demonstration (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-99-06-18-01, 1999

Cline, Michael
Development of Second Generation Stowage Systems for the Automated Cone Machine (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-99-03-15-99, 1999


Inc., Unmanned Solutions
Design and Installation of a Tele-operated and Automated Maintenance Equipment Robotics (TAMER) System (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-98-12-04-01, 1998

Hemmerlin, Brian
System Development for Automated Pavement Crack Sealing (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-98-12-01-01, 1998

Ravani, Bahram; Thorne, Colin; Ghaida, Hassan; Yen, Kin; Lasky, Ty
Design and Development of an Infrastructure Diagnostic Vehicle (IDV) for AHS (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-11-01-01, 1998

Thorne, Colin
A General Communication Scheme for Vehicle, Infrastructure, and Operator for an Automated Highway System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-10-01-01, 1998

Frank, Andrew; McKee, Andrew; Chen, Paul; Lamm, Ross; Sun, Sonja
Teleoperated and Automated Maintenance Equipment Robotics Phase III (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-08-31-01, 1998

Belltawn, Cornelis
Design and Testing of Retrieval Arm and Secondary Funnel Operations (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-98-07-15-01, 1998

Ravani, Bahram; Ghaida, Hassan
In-Situ Referencing for Differential GPS Corrections in IVHS (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-98-04-02-01, 1998

Baker, Todd
Development of a Telescopic Manipulator Arm for Highway Maintenance (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-98-02-03-01, 1998

Olshausen, Robert
Development of an Articulating Robotic Arm for Spray Painting on Roadways (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-01-15-01, 1998

Ravani, Bahram; Hemenway, Jeffrey; Sprott, Ken; Wong, Phillip; Blank, Richard; McGrew, Richard; Olshausen, Robert; Mueller, Ulrich; Nederbragt, Walter
The Big Articulated Stenciling Robot (BASR) - Volume I (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-01-15-01, 1998

Hemenway, Jeffrey; Wong, Phillip; Blank, Richard; McGrew, Richard; Olshausen, Robert; Darvishi-Jazi, Shouka; Velinsky, Steven; Mueller, Ulrich; Nederbragt, Walter
The Big Articulated Stenciling Robot (BASR) - Volume II (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-01-15-01, 1998

Hemenway, Jeffrey; Sprott, Ken; Wong, Phillip; Blank, Richard; McGrew, Richard; Olshausen, Robert; Velinsky, Steven; Mueller, Ulrich; Nederbragt, Walter
The Big Articulated Stenciling Robot (BASR) - Volume III (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-01-15-01, 1998

Hemenway, Jeffrey; Sprott, Ken; Wong, Phillip; Blank, Richard; McGrew, Richard; Olshausen, Robert; Velinsky, Steven; Mueller, Ulrich; Nederbragt, Walter
The Big Articulated Stenciling Robot (BASR) - Volume IV (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-98-01-15-01, 1998


Siacunco, James; Tseng, Peter; Clesen, Sean; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Development of an Automated Cone Placement and Retrieval Machine (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-97-12-17-01, 1997

Frank, Andrew; Smith, Nelson; Chen, Paul; Sun, Sonja
Completion of Laser-Guided Lane Striping System (Phase II) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-97-08-31-01, 1997

Bhattacharya, Arun
A Novel Micromechanics Based Approach to Pavement Modeling and Response (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-97-06-30-01, 1997

Hong, Daehie; Stiles, James; Mueller, Keith; Velinsky, Steven
Development of Tethered Mobile Routing Robot (TMRR) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-97-02-24-01, 1997

Chung, Jae
Modeling and Control of Mobile Manipulators (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-97-02-15-01, 1997

Matsumoto, Lisa
Development and Testing of a Crack Sensing System for a Tethered Mobile Routing Robot (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-97-02-10-01, 1997

Nederbragt, Walter
A Theoretical Framework for Design of Robotic Fixtures (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-97-02-01-01, 1997

Hong, Daehie; Stiles, James; Mueller, Keith; Velinsky, Steven
Description and Operational Instructions of the Demo TMRR (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-97-01-31-01, 1997


Tauzer, C.; Giles, D.; Slaughter, David; Speetjens, J.
Automated Weed Detecting and Spraying Phase II (Implementation) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-96-12-05-01, 1996

Tseng, Peter
Development of Stowage and Control Systems for an Automated Traffic Cone Placement and Retrieval Machine (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-96-06-30-01, 1996

Siacunco, James; Tseng, Peter; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Development of Subsystems for an Automated Cone Placement and Retrieval Machine (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-96-06-01-01, 1996

Wong, Phillip
The Premark Maker User's Manual Version 1.2 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-96-05-10-01, 1996


Garmire, Elsa; Hibber, Mark
Laser Removal of Graffiti Advanced Highway Sign Testing (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-95-09-08-01, 1995

Frank, Andrew; Mehlschau, Jim; Kruetzfeldt, Keith; Smith, Nelson; Chen, Paul; Sun, Sonja
Teleoperated and Automated Maintenance Equipment Robotics Phase II (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-95-06-30-01, 1995

Tripp, Lloyd
Bridge Inspector Image Enhancement Ground-Based Station (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-95-05-26-01, 1995

Leatherman, Alfred; Frank, Andrew; Varoush, Ronald; Sun, Sonja
An Investigation of New Marker Adhesive Processes for Botts' Dots (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-95-03-31-01, 1995

Stroup, Alex; Ravani, Bahram; Broverman, Ian; Velinsky, Steven; Lasky, Ty
A Precursor System Analysis of Automated Construction, Maintenance, and Operational Requirements for Automated Highway Systems (AHS) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-95-01-17-01, 1995

Wanjiru, Jonathan
Development of a Vehicle Orientation and Control System for Automated Crack Sealing Machinery (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-95-01-15-01, 1995


Hong, Daehie; Mueller, Keith; Velinsky, Steven
Development of a Tethered Mobile Robot for Highway Maintenance (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-10-31-01, 1994

Bennett, Duane; Siacunco, James; Spano, Joseph; Tseng, Peter; Velinsky, Steven; White, Wilderich
Assessment of Cone Placement Methods and the Development of Automated Machine Specifications and an Integrated System Concept (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-10-30-01, 1994

Huie, Mimi; Shepherd, Patricia; West, Thomas
Survey Questionnaire: Construction and Maintenance Requirements for an AHS (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-10-05-01, 1994

Jervis, John; Ferguson, Mary
Market Research Report Phase I: Municipal Needs for Road Maintenance and Road Maintenance Equipment (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-10-04-01, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Sprott, Ken; Wong, Phillip; McGrew, Richard
Design Concepts for Incident Clearing in Automated Highway Systems (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-10-01-01, 1994

Frank, Andrew; Mehlschau, Jim; Kruetzfeldt, Keith; Smith, Nelson; Chen, Paul; Sun, Sonja; Chang, Tsu-Shuan
Teleoperated and Automated Maintenance Equipment Robotics (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-09-30-01, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Kalya, Jahn; Wong, Phillip; Nederbragt, Walter
The Automated Litter Back Pick-Up Machine (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-09-29-01, 1994

Stroup, Alex; Velinsky, Steven
Robotic Maintenance and Construction for Automated Highway Systems: Economic Analysis (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-09-27-01, 1994

Garmire, Elsa; Liu, Katherine
Laser Removal of Graffiti (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-09-22-01, 1994

Hong, Daehie
Control System Development for Tethered Mobile Robot for Automating Highway Maintenance Operation (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-09-12-01, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Sprott, Ken; Wong, Phillip; Olshausen, Robert; Nederbragt, Walter
A Description of the Photogrammetry Target Project Premark Painting System (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-09-09-01, 1994

Bayard, Jean-Pierre; Al-Kazily, Joan; Heller, Mahlon
Autonomous Shadow Vehicle Project Phase I (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-08-15-01, 1994

Tauzer, C.; Giles, D.; Slaughter, David
Intelligent Intermittent Spray System for Reduced Herbicide Control of Vegetation (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-08-01-01, 1994

Velinsky, Steven; Zhang, Yulin
Tracking Control Algorithms for the Tethered Mobile Robot (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-06-30-01, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Sprott, Ken; Wong, Phillip
Concepts for Incident Clearing Systems for Automated Highway Systems (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-06-14-01, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Lasky, Ty
A Reference Architecture and a Classification System for AHS (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-06-08-01, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Broverman, Ian
Requirements for the Automated Application of Magnetic Markers for AHS (Draft Copy) (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-04-01-94, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Lasky, Ty
A Reference Architecture for Automated Highway Systems (AHS) (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-03-30-01, 1994

Allison, Jack; Moller, Paul; Grupp, Wayne
Aerial Platform System for Bridge Inspection (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-02-28-01, 1994

Meghdari, Ali; Ravani, Bahram
Telerobotics for Highway Maintenance and Construction (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-02-10-01, 1994

Frank, Andrew; Reimers, Greg; Fischer, Shular; Sun, Sonja
An Investigation of New Marker Adhesive Processes for Botts' Dots (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-01-31-01, 1994

Meghdari, Ali
The Dual-Arm Cam-Lock Manipulator (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-94-01-31-02, 1994

Ravani, Bahram; Lasky, Ty
Automated Highway Systems (AHS) Classification by Vehicle and Infrastructure (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-01-25-01, 1994

Jervis, John; Ferguson, Mary
Market Report: Results of Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews on Commercialization of Road Maintenance Technology Crack Sealing Devices (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-01-07-01, 1994

Kochekali, Homayun; Velinsky, Steven
Adaptation of Wheeled Mobile Robots to Highway Maintenance Operations (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-94-01-05-01, 1994


Daniger, David
Completion Report for the Automated Stenciling Project: Premark Mechanized Stencil (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-12-24-01, 1993

Broverman, Ian
Completion Report for the Automated Stenciling Project: Prefabricated Target Layer (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-12-17-01, 1993

Ravani, Bahram; Lasky, Ty
A Review of Research Related to AHS (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-93-10-25-01, 1993

Boyden, Demick; Velinsky, Steven
Dynamic Modeling of Wheeled Mobile Robots (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-93-10-05-01, 1993

Ghaffar, Abdel; Papalou, Angeliki; Mendez, Antonio; Garmire, Elsa; Gagliardi, Robert; Masri, Sami
Application of Fiber Optic Communications and Optical Sensor Concepts to Global Strategy for Bridge Inspection (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-09-22-01, 1993

Velinsky, Steven
Fabrication and Testing of an Automated Crack Sealing Machine (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-08-01-01, 1993

Demetz, Laura
Improved Response to Hazardous Spills: Conceptual Design of the Teleoperated Hazmat Laboratory (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-06-30-01, 1993

Frank, Andrew; Benson, Gregory; Coben, R.; Hsia, Tien
Applications of Telerobotics to Highway Maintenance (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-06-07-01, 1993

Meghdari, Ali
Smart Materials: Structures and Applications (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-06-01-01, 1993

Velinsky, Steven
Fabrication and Testing of Maintenance Equipment Used for Pavement Surface Repairs: Automated Crack Sealing Machine: Operation & Maintenance Manual (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-05-31-01, 1993

Collins, Curtis; Long, Gregory
A Generalized Telerobotic Hand Controller for Force Reflection (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-03-01-01, 1993

Kirschke, Kenneth; Velinsky, Steven
Machine Vision for an Automated Crack Sealing Machine (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-93-02-04-01 , 1993

Hoff, Philip
Hazardous Spill Sample Retriever System (HSSR) (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-93-01-31-01, 1993


Ravani, Bahram; Kahrl, Philip
On-Line Control on an Industrial Robot for Crack Sealing Using Proximity Sensing (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-92-12-01-01, 1992

Winters, Scott; Velinsky, Steven
Development of a Tethered Mobile Robot (TMR) for Highway Maintenance (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-92-11-25-01, 1992

Garmire, Elsa; Liu, Katherine
Laser Removal of Graffiti (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-92-11-25-01, 1992

Velinsky, Steven
Fabrication and Testing of Maintenance Equipment Used for Pavement Surface Repairs: Final Report 1992 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-92-11-18-01, 1992

Krulewich, Debra; Velinsky, Steven
Development of a High Resolution Sensing System for Automated Crack Sealing Machinery (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-92-07-31-01, 1992

Velinsky, Steven
Fabrication and Testing of Maintenance Equipment Used for Pavement Surface Repairs: Final Report of Phase II - Part II (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-92-07-31-01, 1992

Turnbull, Ian; Ruiz, Manuel
Assessment of State of the Art of Remote Irrigation Control Systems (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-92-07-11-01, 1992

Turnbull, Ian; Ruiz, Manuel
Assessment of the State-of-Art Remote Irrigation Control Systems Field Guide (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-92-07-11-02, 1992

Frank, Andrew; Ashuckian, David; Reimers, Greg; Kendrick, Mark; Fischer, Shular; Sun, Sonja
Automated Raised Pavement Marker Machine Conveyor System (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-92-06-30-01, 1992

Velinsky, Steven
Fabrication and Testing of Maintenance Equipment Used for Pavement Surface Repairs: Final Report of Phase II - Part I (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-92-04-15-01, 1992

Velinsky, Steven; Jazbec, William
A Pavement Crack Cleaning and Heating System for Automated Sealing Machinery (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-92-03-26-01, 1992


Yu, Jing; Rennilson, Justine
Automated Paint Restriping Recognition and Guidance Systems (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-91-11-01-01, 1991

Schultheis, Edward; Velinsky, Steven
On the Development of a Design Concept for Automated Pavement Crack Sealing Machinery (Interim Report)
UCD-ARR-91-09-30-01, 1991

Velinsky, Steven
Fabrication and Testing of Maintenance Equipment Used for Pavement Surface Repairs - Final Report of Phase 1 (Final Report)
UCD-ARR-91-05-15-01, 1991


Schultheis, Edward; Liu, Jing; Kirschke, Kenneth; Smith, Matthew; Velinsky, Steven; Quinlan, Terry
On Automation Sealing of Cracks in Pavement (Final Report)
MAP-90-03-01, 1990